Health Tips For Winter Reasons To Have Cough And Cold In Winter Know 5 Reasons

Health Tips For Winter Reasons To Have Cough And Cold In Winter Know 5 Reasons

Reason For Cold In Winter: There are 2 diseases in the winter season that can happen to anyone at any time. This is none other than cold and cough. Whoever gets cold, cough and cold, his condition becomes bad. The problem of cold and cough increases as soon as the temperature is low. But do you know that the biggest reason behind this problem is your weak immunity. People with weak immunity catch diseases very quickly. That’s why people are advised to take special care in this season. Today in this news we are going to tell you five such reasons due to which cold and cough do not leave us.

1. Smoking

If you are struggling with the problem of frequent cough and cold, then you should stop smoking immediately. Smoking affects your immune system, due to which a person is prone to frequent colds. Try to quit smoking and stay healthy.

2. not maintain hygiene

Are you having frequent cold and cough? In such a situation, you need to keep cleanliness around you. Cover mouth while coughing and sneezing, wash hands with soap and water or sanitize from time to time. Wear a mask and keep distance from sick people.

3. Stress

Stress can affect not only your mental health but also your physical health. Due to stress, peace of mind goes away. Let us tell you that the immunity of people living under stress is weak due to which the risk of cold increases in them.

4. Lack of sleep

To keep the body healthy, a good sleep of 8 hours is required. If you don’t get a good night’s sleep, your immune system will be weak and your common cold will become more serious.

5. Staying Indoors During the Colder Months

Due to the cold temperature in the winter season, most people spend most of their time indoors. Do you know that this cold temperature weakens your immune system and makes you sick. Also, due to the cold temperature, you may have many allergies and Infections can also occur.

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